Had a nice outing with Esther's side of the family in Porty Dickyson. Nice way to unwind and relax from the usual concrete jungle. The beach is still "black" with soots from the nearby refineries and cargo ships along the Straits but at least the two precious now have had their first taste and feel of a sandy beach. We were there when Esther was pregnant with Chloe but we stayed at a different place then. The only place to eat for dinner is this Mexican outlet called El Cactus. Now, when it comes to eating at this place, you must possess un-precedented high level of patience and tolerance coz the service is extremely slow and the wait is like forever. But the food's great and rewarding. Later the next day on the way home, we dropped by a Chinese seafood restaurant for another nice meal. Great day to wrap up a, though short, enjoyable trip.
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