Saturday, 31 December 2011

ThreeA ~ Popbot : Tomorrow Queen Lolli XXXmas TQ.

She walks behind the Mortis.
A (mis) interpretation:
Unit type: Mass production replicants.
Model type: The Tomorrow Queens - GEN 2.0
Unit type: XXXmas.
ID: Lolli.
Rank: Sukeban.
Manufacturer: The Luthor Bean Jr. Corporation.
Incept date: 25th December 1990.
Serial no.: TQG02FBC25121990.
Longevity: 4 years.
Function: Pleasure / close assault.
Physical level: B.
Mental level: C.
Abilities: Panzer Kunst - anti-armour martial arts; superhuman physiology.
Std. armaments: XXXMas - .45 auto revolver; monomolecular-edged wakizashi x 2; Ion cyclotron glove x 2; monomolecular-edged heel x 2.

The toughest thing about getting a ThreeA figure is if the figure were pre-made for order instead of made to order (as well as secret drops and limited in quantities). This I learnt when getting Lolli, the 2011 Christmas TQ, waking up at 8 and a half in the am and countdown to the 9. The moment the clock hits the spot, off I went into Bambaland, the figure's up but darn, the site was crawling at a snail's pace, like traffic jam on a three lane highway when an accident occurred on the opposite direction. When the figure was on the cart, only to find out that payment could not proceed....due to no item in cart!? Whoa....being first timer ordering a pre-made, therefore, limited quantity figure from Bamba, I didn't know what happen (and still don't know why it happened). Nearly dying from anxiety, finally completed transaction by third try. Craziest way to score a figure...Lolli arrived in time, might be sporting a new body, as I noticed the longer legs. TQs on killer heels are getting taller...I reckon the colorway goes good with the ANKOU EX SXCLB set on preorder.

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