Friday 14 November 2008

Sweet tooth...

First it was the vitamin C for children that Esther bought for her. Then it was the M&Ms. After that, milk chocolate bars, then candies, ice-creams, Vitagens...oh no! Chloe developed "sweet tooth" and crave for all foods sweet tasting for the past few weeks! She would kick up a fuss if I don't give in to her demands on carrying her to the cabinets where we store these stuffs. She had also learnt how to say "sweets" which is kinda adorable but not so when I realised that all this stuffs lead to tooth decay, and other hosts of health related matters. I should know...coz I have been "addicted" to all these stuffs and more for so long. Now I understand how exasperated mom must had felt when I was younger when she caught me eating all those artificial sweetener laced junk foods bought from the tink tink man outside the school compound. Must think of a way to dispose of these stuffs and cultivate a healthier lifestyle within Chloe...

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